Uneekor EYE XO Vs Foresight GC Quad – 18 Key Comparisons

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The Uneekor Eye Xo and Foresight GC Quad are two fantastic launch monitors towards the premium end of the golf simulator market. Both are camera-based launch monitors but they occupy contrasting positions within the golf simulator. This means they have very different characteristics. We cover all the Uneekor Eye Xo vs GC Quad differences in this article.

Uneekor EYE XO StrengthsForesight GC Quad Strengths
Fantastic Suite of Club and Ball Data (all data is included as standard)Market-Leading Accuracy
Very Wide Software Compatibility (including GS Pro)Onboard Screen, Robust design and Casing and Full Portability
Non Ball Marking Technology – Use Any Golf BallsNon Ball Marking Technology – Use Any Golf Balls
Real Time View of Club and Ball ImpactCan be used in smaller spaces than radar-based competitors
Excellent Accuracy and Few MisreadsAdvanced putting analysis option
Allows Easy Concurrent Left and Right Handed UseUsed across the world by Pros for practice and club-fitting
Amazing Price for a Premium Launch MonitorUse with Foresight's excellent software
eye xo vs gc quad 1

History, Release Date, and Market Reputation

The Uneekor Eye Xo was released in mid-2020 and was billed as the flagship launch monitor from Uneekor, a true upgrade to their already-popular QED launch monitor. Promises of enhanced suites of club and ball data as well as the exciting addition of non-ball marking technology quickly established the Eye Xo a reputation for quality.

The Foresight GC Quad is older than the Eye Xo and hence has had more time to prove itself as one of the best launch monitors on the market. Released in 2017, the GC Quad has been Foresight’s flagship launch monitor ever since and rightly so.

You will frequently see the best players in the world takinng their GC Quads to the range before each major championship round.

Launch Monitor Placement and Alignment

The Eye Xo is mounted in a fixed position which is central and 3.5ft in front of the hitting position, between the golfer and the impact screen. This mounting position should in turn be 10 to 12 ft from the screen as per Uneekor.

I believe the minimum of 10ft mounting distance between the Eye Xo and the impact screen is more a suggested distance to avoid the risk of dangerous bounceback, rather than a minimum distance that is intrinsic to the function of the launch monitor.

What is important however is the height that the Eye Xo is mounted from the ground (from your hitting mat). The Eye Xo should be mounted between 9 and 10ft in height above the mat. This allows the launch monitor to calibrate effectively.

UneekorEYEXOSpaceRequirement 1024x1024 1

The GC Quad is positioned in front of the golfer and just in front of your address position on the screen side, 22 inches from the centre of a hitting area as in the diagrams below, the area in which you can hit the ball is slightly different if you wish to pick up club data as well as ball data.

The GC Quad should be placed on the same level as your golf mat. If it does not sit on the mat itself, it should be raised up on a platform (which could be made of anything) so it is at the same level.

You will need to ensure your alignment is correct for the GC Quad to maximize its accuracy.

GCQ hitting position

EYE XO vs GC Quad Data Measured

Uneekor Eye Xo Data

Uneekor EYE XO measures 23 data parameters, split between ball data, club data and calculated shot characteristics. The EYE XO measures 6 more data parameters than the lower priced Uneekor QED.

The Uneekor EYE XO measures the following ball flight data parameters:

  • Ball Speed
  • Side Spin
  • Back Spin
  • Side Angle
  • Side Total
  • Launch Angle
  • Angle of Descent / Land Angle
  • Flight Time
  • Distance to Apex
  • Carry, Run, and Total Distance

The Uneekor EYE XO measures the following club data:

  • Club Speed
  • Dynamic Loft
  • Angle of Attack
  • Smash Factor
  • Club Path
  • Club Face Angle
  • Face to Path
  • Club Lie Angle
  • Club Loft Angle
  • Impact Point Vertical
  • Impact Point Horizontal

Check out this in-depth post all about the data measured by the Uneekor Eye Xo.

eyexo data

GC Quad Data

This table shows you all the launch data parameters measured by the GC Quad, with columns showing you ball flight data, clubhead data split into those included as standard and within the premium clubhead analysis add-on package, and group data and modelled parameters.

Ball Flight DataClub Data (Advanced Club Data Add-on Package)Modelled Shot ParametersGroup Data
Ball SpeedClub Head SpeedCarry DistanceDispersion
Total Spin / Back Spin*Smash FactorRun DistanceRange
Side SpinAngle of AttackTotal DistanceSpray
Spin AxisClub PathPeak HeightAccuracy
Vertical Launch AngleFace Angle / Face to TargetDistance OfflineConsistency
Horizonal Launch Angle (Azimuth)Face to PathDescent Angle
Dynamic Loft / Loft at Impact
Lie angle
Impact Location
Closure Rate
gcquad data

Comparing the data parameters on the Eye Xo vs the GC Quad

Unlike the Uneekor Eye Xo, to gain access to the full suite of data on the GC Quad, you have to purchase an upgrade. The Advanced Club Data add-on package is available for around $4000.

I often consider the GC Quad as a launch monitor to include the full bells and whistles, with both Advanced Clubhead Analysis and Advanced Putting Analysis (another add-on). The full-featured GC Quad costs around $20,000 whilst a unit without either feature costs around $14,000.

The comparison between the Eye Xo and the GC Quad is very different when you’re considering a full-featured $20k GC Quad vs a base package $14k GC Quad. The dynamic of which is that best value depends a lot on how much you value the features included in the Foresight add-ons.

However, let’s compare the full range of data parameters measured by the GC Quad and Eye Xo. The full-featured GC Quad measures up to 25 data parameters, whilst the Uneekor Eye Xo a few less at 23.

GC Quad measures closure rate and spin axis, whereas the Eye Xo describes spins slightly differently.

GC Quad DataUneekor Eye XO Data
Ball SpeedBall Speed
Back Spin and Total SpinBack Spin and Total Spin
Side SpinSide Spin
Spin Axis
Horizontal Launch AngleSide Angle
Vertical Launch AngleVertical Launch Angle
Club Head SpeedClub Head Speed
Club PathClub Path
Face Angle / Face to TargetFace Angle
Face to PathFace to Path
Smash Factor / EfficiencySmash Factor
Angle of AttackAngle of Attack
Descent AngleDescent Angle
Dynamic Loft / Loft at ImpactDynamic Loft
Lie AngleLie Angle
Vertical and Horizontal Impact PointVertical and Horizontal Impact Point
Closure Rate
Carry, Run and Total DistanceCarry, Run and Total Distance
Peak HeightPeak Height
Several measures of shot grouping and dispersionSeveral measures of shot grouping and dispersion

How do the GC Quad and Eye Xo work?

The Uneekor Eye Xo is a camera-based launch monitor that is mounted overhead, taking a bird’s eye view of the hitting area as the club approaches the ball and makes impact. The Eye Xo uses infra-red cameras to record data and high-speed visual light cameras to record videos of the impact between club and ball.

Due to its fixed mounting position above the golfer, the Eye Xo is not portable, but it is able to facilitate the concurrent use of left and right-handed golfers at the same time.

from screen

The GC Quad is also a camera-based launch monitor, but instead of being mounted overhead, it is portable and is placed just in front of the golfer and slightly in front of the hitting position. The GC Quad uses four high-speed cameras to take a multitude of images (at 6000 frames per second) of the ball before, during, and after impact.

All this image data is then analyzed by onboard software to provide the golfer with the most accurate data possible.

The use of four separate but synchronized cameras is what gives the GC Quad its ‘Quadrascopic vision’ and is what sets it apart from launch monitors with similar positions within the golf simulator such as Skytrak. The extra cameras allow unrivaled accuracy from the GC Quad.

The GC Quad features a near-infra-red array of LED lights which means there is no need for regular flash replacement as in older models.

Software and Apps

Uneekor Eye Xo Software Options

Uneekor View is included for free when you buy the Uneekor EYE XO. View is a golf simulation software program that lets EYE XO-owning golfers benefit from enhanced ball flight and club data, driving range practice, Uneekor Optix and Swing Video Analysis.

Just like the Ignite software on the QED, EYE XO View features a practice driving range where you can hone in your swing and focus on the enhanced suite of ball and club data your new launch monitor provides.

You can choose to upgrade the base View software to either Uneekor Refine or Succeed. Uneekor Refine features five extra golf courses (including Bay Hill) for both play and on-course practice, and several different driving ranges and a short game complex (which is fantastic). Uneekor Succeed is the same as Refine but with a wider array of golf courses. Refine costs $1000 and Succeed costs $2000.

The Eye Xo is also compatible with the following third-party golf simulation programs:

  • GS Pro (with official Uneekor-GS Pro support)
  • TGC 2019
  • E6 Connect
  • Creative Golf 3D and Golfisimo

I think a Uneekor Eye Xo equipped with the Refine upgrade and GS Pro makes for a fantastic value golf simulator launch monitor!

You can learn more about the software options available to owners of the Uneekor Eye Xo in my dedicated post here.

uneekor software

GC Quad Software Options

The following golf simulation software programs are compatible with the Foresight GC Quad:

  • FSX 2020, FSX Play, FSX Pro
  • E6 Connect
  • Creative Golf 3D and Golfisimo

FSX 2020 features amazing 4K graphics, golf course simulation and extensive practice facilities and challenge modes.

You also have the option to play Foresight’s other software programs including FSX Play which extends available features and pushes graphical limits, and FSX Pro which allows even more in-depth practice analysis.

Foresight Club Head Analysis

Can you use GS Pro on GC Quad? Unfortunately, there is no official integration between Foresight and GS Pro. However, many golfers do manage to play GS Pro using their Foresight launch monitors, using a community-based interface and GS Pro’s open API.

There is a step-by-step guide that helps you connect the GC Quad to GS Pro on the GS Pro Discord group under the tab ‘quad-gc3-connection-help’.

There is no official integration between TGC 2019 and Foresight GC Quad. Many golfers who own a Foresight GC Quad, do use TGC 2019 through a community-based integration/workaround. Check out this great article for a step-by-step guide for using TGC 2019 on GC Quad, there will be similar setups for the other Foresight launch monitors.

Space Requirements

Uneekor EYE XO Space Requirements

16ft x 12ft x 9ft are the minimum space dimensions you will need to feature the Uneekor EYE XO launch monitor in your golf simulator. 20ft x 15ft x 10ft would allow a more comfortable space.

You will need extra space depending on your height, your golf swing, and your simulator plans.

You must mount Uneekor EYE XO between 9ft and 10ft above your hitting mat. There is no way around this height range as it is integral to the accurate calibration of the system at setup. You can attach EYE XO to the ceiling or a mount, as long as it is between 9ft and 10ft.

(The launch monitor could be mounted outside this range but I can not vouch for the accuracy either higher or lower than the 9-10ft range).

Outside of the mounting range, there is no specified minimum or maximum height of your Eye Xo golf simulator room. However, too low (under 9ft) and you won’t be able to mount the launch monitor or swing the club. If your ceiling is high, you will have to fix a long mount to the ceiling or use your enclosure frame in order to get the Eye Xo into position.

Uneekor recommends a minimum room width of 12ft to use the Eye Xo, but you will need more than this if you wish to have a central aim point or accommodate both left and right-handers. I recommend a room width of more than 15ft to comfortably swing from a central hitting position that is perpendicular to the center of your impact screen.

uneekor eyexo space

You need at least 16ft of room length to house a Uneekor Eye Xo, and you’ll need a little more than this to feel comfortable. I recommend 20ft of room length in order to do everything comfortably with a Uneekor Eye Xo golf simulator.

You room length consists of enough space to swing the club, there is 3.5ft between the hitting position and the Eye Xo, you need enough room for the ball to fly and hit the screen and then you need 1ft of space behind the screen.

Uneekor recommend 10ft as a minimum distance between the Eye Xo and the screen (so 13.5ft from tee to screen). The recommendation of 10ft from Uneekor is due to the safety aspect of minimizing bounceback, and hitting from closer to the screen leads to more issues with this.

Many golfers do use the Eye Xo mounted nearer the screen but you must take on board the risk of ball ricochet from your screen or enclosure.

GC Quad Space Requirements

Foresight GC Quad only requires enough room indoors for you to make a comfortable swing. The GC Quad is a camera-based launch monitor which means it only requires a view of the ball at and immediately after impact.

Rooms that are 18 feet long by 15 feet wide and 10 feet high or larger will provide an optimal experience with GC Quad, but you can get away with rooms that are a lot smaller.

So, you can see the indoor space requirements of the GC Quad are a lot less specific than are required by the Eye Xo, you can use the Quad in smaller indoor rooms.

gc quad space requirements

Left Handed Use

The Eye Xo is mounted above the golfer in a central position in the golf simulator, it does not need to be moved between left and right-handed play.

As long as there is enough room width for both to swing, the Eye Xo will handle concurrent left and right-handed play without any problems. This is an advantage over the GC Quad.

It is always best to have a central hitting position with a stance area on either side, this will maximize the room width for both golfers to swing. The Truestrike Academy golf mat is excellent for this, check it out at Carl’s Place.

eye xo left centre

The GC Quad can record swings from both left and right handed golfers though one downside it has relates to concurrent left and right-handed use.

Like several other camera-based launch monitors that sit in front of the golfer, the GC Quad would require movement from the right side of the golf simulator space, round to the left, for the left-hander to then play a shot. You would then have to re-do alignment procedures after each move, which is impractical for matches between left and right-handers.

There is a choice here between the complete portability of the GC Quad and the Eye XO’s ability to accommodate concurrent left and right-handed use.

I once saw a very well-engineered slide system that had been designed for Skytrak (which has the same problem given its similar placement) on Facebook. The Skytrak slid around the back of the golf mat on fixed tracks and into perfect position on the other side.

Perhaps such a slide system could be adopted in a GC Quad golf simulator – you’d need better DIY and design skills than I have though!

Eye XO vs GC Quad System Requirements

Here are the system requirements recommended for using both launch monitors alongside their PC based software programs. There is often mention that the AMD processors are not supported for some launch monitors, one of which being the GC Quad.

Here are the minimum system requirements for playing Uneekor Ignite on PC with the EYE XO.
ComponentRecommended Specification
Processor (CPU)Intel i5 8400 or higher, 3rd Gen AMD Ryzen or higher, AMD 3600 or higher, (AMD 2700 is not compatible).
Graphics Card (GPU)NVidia Geforce GTX 1060 or better
Memory (RAM)8GB +
Operating SystemWindows 10 (64bit specifically is optimal)
Monitor ResolutionFull HD 1920*1080 or higher
Broadband Internet ConnectionRequired - Ethernet Connection
Here is a list of the minimum PC system specifications required to use the Foresight GC Quad with the FSX 2020 Software
ComponentMinimum System Requirement for Foresight GC QuadRecommended Specs for Best Performance
Processor (CPU)Intel i5 or i7 processors (AMD processors not recommended)Intel i5 7th Gen or Intel i7 Processors + (>3 GHz)
Memory (RAM)8GB +16GB +
Graphics Card (GPU)Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti or better *(AMD GPUs not supported)*Nvidia GTX 1060, 1660 or 1070, RTX 2060, Premium: RTX 2070, 2080 or newer (Not AMD)
Operating SystemWindows 10 (64 bit)Windows 10 (64 bit)
Ethernet PortRequired (Wired Internet Connection)Required (Wired Internet Connection)
Display ResolutionFull HD (1080p) or higher4K display
Hard Drive CapacityNo Minimum RecommendedSuggested 256GB SSD Capacity for Optimum Performance

I have found that some people have managed to run the programs on AMD machines just fine but it is a consideration when purchasing a new PC, to aim for an Intel CPU.

The GPU (graphics card) is the most important component when puchasing a golf simulator PC. You will need plenty of graphical power to run golf simulation programs at their best (4K resolutions in high quality frame rates).

However, the system requirements to just run each launch monitor and software setup normally are not extreme at all. Also, the standard components in a middle-market PC now in 2022 are much, much better than they were say in 2015. Most new PCs should be able to run these just fine, still aim for a higher quality graphics card of you’re striving for a 4K simulator setup.

You can learn lots more about the PC, tablet or smartphone system requirements for a golf simulator in my dedicated article here.

Do you need special balls, dots or stickers?

Neither the Eye Xo nor the GC Quad require metallic dots or stickers to be placed upon golf balls.

The lack of requirement for ball markings and dots is one of the big plus points of the Eye Xo when compared to the QED and other launch monitors towards the lower end of the golf simulator market. The Eye Xo sits at a price point above these other launch monitors but well below the likes of the GC Quad.

The ability to use premium golf balls such as the Titleist Pro V1, rather than marked balls (which are often hard coated) means you can get launch data that is as close to possible as the performance you would get out on the golf course. You don’t have to make any adjustments for poor-quality golf balls like you do with lower-priced launch monitors.

Uneekor EYE XO Non Marking Technology

Both the Eye Xo and GC Quad require reflective stickers to be added to the clubface when advanced club data (such as impact point) is sought, and this is commonplace throughout the launch monitor market. You can get adequate data without these club stickers but it would not allow maximization of accuracy.

Portability and Outdoor Use

Portability is one of the starkest differences between the Eye Xo and GC Quad. The Eye Xo is a fixed, overhead-mounted launch monitor that you can not take outside or to the golf course or range.

I guess you could mount it outside but I would not recommend this in most circumstances unless you have an outdoor area that is completely shielded from the weather.

The lack of portability in the Eye Xo will not be a downside for many golfers, who wish to keep their prized launch monitor safe in the comfort of their golf simulator rooms.

The GC Quad is a fully portable launch monitor that can be used indoors or outdoors, wherever there is space to swing.

The onboard display adds to the outdoor experience, meaning that unlike other portable launch monitors at the lower end of the market, you don’t need to rely on connections to mobile apps in order to gain the benefits of outdoor launch monitor practice.

rickiefowlerwithgcquad 1024x1024 1

The Quad also features an interchangeable lithium-ion battery that can be replaced if it ever begins to lose effectiveness.

Portability is a benefit of the GC Quad that can be weighed against the ability of the Eye Xo to allow concurrent left and right-handed use due to its fixed (and central) position.

Eye XO vs GC Quad – Connection Issues

The Eye Xo connects directly to your PC via a LAN cable, from one ethernet port on the launch monitor itself to an ethernet port on your PC. The PC can then be connected to the internet via Wifi or via a second ethernet port and LAN cable.

If your PC only has one ethernet port, the EYE XO ships with a handy adapter to split the signal into two ports.

Unlike the Eye Xo, the GC Quad has an onboard computer that allows it to analyze the innumerable images it takes so it can display the shot data on an inbuilt display. This means that the GC Quad can be used without a functioning golf simulator computer (or device) and without any other connections, making it perfect for use outside.

The GC Quad is also able to connect via ethernet port in the same manner as above. Unlike the Eye XO, there is also the ability to connect the launch monitor via Wifi (important for use outside amd portability) and via a USB-C cable. Foresight recommends only using the cables supplied with the Quad.


Do they Miss Shots?

Missed shots are rare with both the Eye Xo and GC Quad. If you are experiencing missed shots, ensure you are addressing the ball within the designated hitting area and that the calibration and alignment procedures for both launch monitors are done properly. Perhaps re-do the calibration if you’re not sure.

Here are links for the user manuals for the Eye Xo and the GC Quad with instructions on setup, alignment and calibration. I would also take a look at Youtube for videos detailing the setup and alignment processes.

Shot Delay

There is very little shot delay with either the Uneekor Eye Xo or the GC Quad.

Consider what has to happen between the impact of the ball and the display of shot data. The launch monitors need to record many images of the ball and club at high speed, send that data to the computer, the data is then analyzed and modeled with software, a 3D shot is rendered, and then displayed on the screen.

Remember that the GC Quad has onboard computing software with which it analyses the data too.

Some launch monitors, notably Skytrak, have problems with a several-second shot delay which some golfers find off-putting.

Much of the shot delay is related to the performance of your computer, so ensuring you have appropriately performing graphics cards (GPU – most important) and computer processing power (CPU) for both the launch monitor and simulation program is essential.

You may also be trying to display the simulation program at graphical settings which are above the capabilities of your computer’s GPU or CPU. You’ll need a more powerful computer to display GS Pro at 4K display settings in a fast frame rate, compared to playing the same program at 1080p.

As long as your computer specifications are up to scratch and your internet connection is configured correctly, there should be little delay from the launch monitors themselves.

Eye XO vs GC Quad – Putting

The GC Quad features a wealth of putting analysis which is available as a separate add-on package for around $2500. For this price, you gain the ability to study the following putting data points:

  • Ball velocity,
  • vertical launch angle,
  • horizontal launch direction,
  • total spin,
  • spin tilt axis,
  • back spin,
  • side spin,
  • club speed,
  • closure rate,
  • club path,
  • angle of attack,
  • impact lie,
  • impact location
essential putting analysis for gcquad

The Uneekor Eye Xo also features putting analysis, though again this is included within the price of the Eye Xo.

You don’t get as many putting data parameters as you do with the GC Quad, and you don’t get the ability to see impact position on the putter face via the use of clubface stickers. However, instead you get the realtime video of the putter strike from the Eye XO’s overhead cameras, which is a good alternative.

The Eye Xo also lets you use your swing camera feed to view your putting stroke from several different angles, within the View software. This is a great feature. You could set this up using swing cameras and the GC Quad too but it is less of a core feature.

Short game, Wedges and Chipping

Short game in a golf simulator is a variable experience, it is hard for a launch monitor to perfectly replicate the experience and feel of short shots outside on the course. I would say it is easier for camera-based launch monitors to record short shots accurately than it is for radar-based systems (which need adequate ball flight time to record spin properly).

Short game in golf simulators requires an optimum combination of a quality launch monitor, a realistic hitting surface and engaging and fun practice areas built into your simulation program.

Both the Eye Xo and GC Quad are able to record short shots accurately due to their camera-based technology, and the Uneekor and Foresight software options both excel with fantastic practice facilities.

Take a look at these videos from Golf Simulator Videos on Youtube showing you short game shots on both the Eye Xo and GC Quad:

How easy is it to damage the launch monitor?

The Uneekor Eye Xo is mounted 3.5ft in front of the hitting position on the ceiling. This means it could theoretically be vulnerable to a skyed driver shot. You are highly unlikely to launch a wedge shot sufficiently high to damage the Eye Xo, though it is probably possible.

The danger comes from sky shots and from wayward club swings if those using your golf simulator are somewhat careless.

Whilst they are not official Uneekor branded products, there are solutions to the issue of protecting the Eye Xo from golf ball or golf club-induced damage. Carl’s Place now sells a protective case for the Eye Xo.

Uneekor have previously been supportive to golfers who have accidentally damaged their Eye Xo in this way, so discussing the issue with Uneekor support is also definitely worth it.

eye xo case

The dangers facing the GC Quad are different. As a camera-based launch monitor, the Quad sits down on the floor at the same level as your hitting mat, just in front of the golfer and slightly in front of the ball.

There is a theoretical risk to the Quad from a shanked golf ball, though I have never heard of a shank so wild that it achieves the extreme horizontal launch angle to make contact. Again, there is the risk of damage from the club itself during careless swings, which can be a problem when kids are around.

The GC Quad case is constructed from ‘thermoplastic rubberized material with a metallic finish’ according to Foresight. This makes it relatively robust, more so than similarly positioned launch monitors such as Skytrak, though the cameras and display are obviously exposed areas.

Both the Eye Xo and GC Quad cost significant amounts of money and both are at risk from projectiles within your golf simulator. I strongly recommend insuring your choice of launch monitor as soon as you receive it. It only takes one bad swing!

Uneekor EYE XO View Data Output

Eye XO vs GC Quad – Price, Availability, and Resale

The Eye Xo and GC Quad are both premium launch monitors, sitting rightfully towards the top end of the golf simulation market. The GC Quad has established itself alongside Trackman as a market leader in recent years, with many PGA TOUR pros using it at tournaments.

The Eye XO typically costs $10,000 and there are no add-on costs for the launch monitor itself, though there are two premium software options (Refine and Succeed). There is no required recurring subscription.

The Foresight GC Quad costs around $14,000 for the base unit, and there are add-on options for the suite of advanced club data (costing $4000) and essential putting analysis (priced at $2500).

Base PriceClub Head Data Add-OnAdvanced Putting Add-OnTotal Price
Foresight GC Quad$14,000$4,000$2,500$20,500
Uneekor Eye XO$10,000Club Data IncludedGC Quad Only$10,000
The prices in this table are correct at the time of writing in July 2022, as per prices at shopindoorgolf.com

So, the GC Quad is 40-105% more expensive than the Eye Xo, depending on the add-on and software options you choose. Whilst the Quad is an absolute behemoth of a launch monitor, buyers should be able to justify to themselves whether the extra cost is worth it.

I believe the Uneekor Eye Xo is the best value launch monitor on the market. You get full suites of ball and club data, excellent software compatibility and non ball-marking technology at a significantly lower price than high-end competitor launch monitors.


Neither launch monitor is typically out of stock. Both launch monitors should retain a good proportion of their initial value at resale. I see GC Quads for sale on forums and Facebook groups a lot more than I do Eye XOs.

There are probably many reasons for this, perhaps the majority of Eye Xo owners are very happy with their purchase. It may also be due to the fixed nature of the Eye Xo setup lending itself less to frequent ownership changes, or the portability of GC Quad lending itself to a more fluid golf teaching/professional market.

It’s easier to take a few pictures of the GC Quad and list it for sale than it is to dismount the Eye Xo and do the same.

Who Should Buy Uneekor EYE XO and Who Should Buy GC Quad?

The Uneekor Eye Xo vs Foresight GC Quad is a comparison and decision between two absolutely excellent launch monitors, that work differently and will suit different golfers needs for different reasons. This is a comparison of two different types of launch monitor, rather than two similar models.

Uneekor EYE XO StrengthsForesight GC Quad Strengths
Fantastic Suite of Club and Ball Data (all data is included as standard)Market-Leading Accuracy
Very Wide Software Compatibility (including GS Pro)Onboard Screen, Robust design and Casing and Full Portability
Non Ball Marking Technology – Use Any Golf BallsNon Ball Marking Technology – Use Any Golf Balls
Real Time View of Club and Ball ImpactCan be used in smaller spaces than radar-based competitors
Excellent Accuracy and Few MisreadsAdvanced putting analysis option
Allows Easy Concurrent Left and Right Handed UseUsed across the world by Pros for practice and club-fitting
Amazing Price for a Premium Launch MonitorUse with Foresight's excellent software

The Eye Xo is best for anyone who values both left and right-handed golfers playing at the same time in their golf simulator, and for anyone that doesn’t fancy taking their launch monitor outside or to the driving range. The Eye Xo is also cheaper and offers better golf simulation software compatibility than the GC Quad.

The GC Quad is best for golfers who want a high-end premium launch monitor that is fully portable and can be taken outside and to the range. The GC Quad features advanced putting analysis and the in-built display allows use without a computer or tablet.

Uneekor EYE XO

Uneekor EYE XO

The Uneekor Eye XO Launch Monitor is a highly advanced golf simulator and launch monitor system, offering a range of features for an immersive golfing experience. Here are the key features of the Uneekor Eye XO:

  1. Overhead Camera System: Utilizes a dual high-speed camera-based technology for precise tracking. Offers ease of use for both left and right-handed golfers and eliminates the need to move the unit for different players.

  2. Non-Marking Ball Technology: Allows golfers to use any golf ball without the need for special markings.

  3. Comprehensive Club and Ball Data: Provides detailed data including back spin, side spin, total spin, spin axis, ball impact on the club face, club speed, club path, club face angle, attack angle, club loft angle, club lie angle, and impact point (vertical and horizontal).

  4. Real-Time Video Analysis: Features Club OPTIX and Swing OPTIX for real-time footage of club and ball at impact, including slow-motion replay.

  5. Golf Simulation Compatibility: Integrated with top golf simulator software options, including fantastic Uneekor software programs (EYE XO VIEW, Refine, Refine+) and official GS Pro Integration

  6. Power-U Cloud Service: An online platform for data collection and connection with other EYEXO users.

  7. Indoor Use Optimization: Specifically designed for indoor use, it provides accurate data collection in a controlled environment.

  8. High-Speed Cameras: Capable of capturing over 3000 frames per second, ensuring superb accuracy and instant shot display.

The Uneekor Eye XO Launch Monitor is a premium, ceiling-mounted golf simulator featuring advanced dual high-speed cameras for precise tracking and detailed analysis of both club and ball data. It offers versatile compatibility with various golf simulation software and is optimized for indoor use, providing real-time video replay and comprehensive data analysis.

It has long been my favourite launch monitor!

  1. Advanced Overhead Camera System: Dual high-speed cameras for precise tracking. This allows concurrent left and right handed play.
  2. Use Any Golf Ball: Non-marking ball technology eliminates the need for special balls.
  3. Detailed Data Analysis: Comprehensive club and ball data including spin, speed, and angle metrics.
  4. Real-Time Video Replay: Club OPTIX and Swing OPTIX for immediate swing and impact analysis.
  5. Versatile Setup: Ceiling-mounted design suitable for both left and right-handed players.
  6. Wide Software Compatibility: Works with EYE XO VIEW, Refine, Refine+, and The Golf Club 2019.
  7. Online Data Platform: Power-U Cloud Service for data sharing and analysis.
  8. High Frame Rate Cameras: Captures over 3000 frames per second for accurate shot display.
  9. Indoor Optimization: Designed specifically for indoor use with weather-resistant construction.

1. Cost: The Eye XO is a lot cheaper than other premium launch monitors (eg GC Quad, Trackman), however newer models are now offering high-end features at competitive prices.

2. Non portable: the uneekor Eye XO sits in a fixed position within the golf simulator

3. Space Requirements: are a little more than portable competitors like Foresight GC3, but less than radar-based launch monitors

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Alex @ mygolfsimulator

Alex White is a 4 handicap golfer and is a familiar face at Hexham Golf Club, England. He launched mygolfsimulator.com in February 2020, where he has personally authored over half a million words on golf simulators, earning a reputation as an expert in this area. His knowledge extends beyond theory; Alex has personally designed and constructed three distinct golf simulator rooms over the last four years. He also provides consultation services for fellow golf enthusiasts looking to create their own home golf simulators. In addition to his golfing pursuits, Alex is a dedicated medical professional. He earned his medical degree (MBBS) from Newcastle University in 2014 and currently works as an emergency medicine registrar in the north-east of England. Alex recently achieved the FRCEM (Fellow of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine) qualification, marking a significant milestone in his medical career.
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Hello! My name is Alex and it is my mission to bring you all the information you need to build your own home golf simulator! I hope mygolfsimulator.com helps you on your journey to better golf at home!


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